Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cultural Week

By:Horacio Camacho

Fotos and globe sculpture by:Harumi Tanimoto/ photo-book by:Ximena Jiménez

By:Ximena Jiménez

By:Verónica Arriaga

By: Horacio Camacho

By:Aldo Verdiguel

by:Daniela Mateos

 La semana cultural es un evento que se hace cada año en nuestra escuela para mostrar el trabajo que los alumnos hacen en las diferentes clases respecto a las artes, las cuales son: pintura, escultura, comunicación visual, dibujo, música, teatro, danza y fotografía.
Aquí les dejamos los mejores trabajos y esperemos les gusten :) xoxo

The cultural week is an event in which students from our school show their work they had made in all the different art classes, which are: painting, sculpture, visual communication, drawing, music, theater, dance and photography.
Here we leave you the best works and we hope you like them :) xoxo


  1. It sounds like a really interesting event! Nice looks too :)

  2. This is one of the most artistic posts I've seen in a LONG time! Nice job!

    1. Thanks Maria! its great you enjoy it as much as we do

      Keep Tune <3


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