Monday, June 18, 2012

Let the Wild Rumpus Start!

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Este video fue inspirado por el cuento "Where The Wild Things Are" creado por Maurice Sendak quien falleció el 8 de mayo de 2012.
Un pequeño tributo que demuestra como todos tenemos un niño dentro y que los amigos, los momentos fugaces y las cosas simples son lo que hacen la vida hermosa y divertida.

"Spike Jonze es un gran director de cine, gracias a él conocí la película, después investigué acerca del libro y al final leí la biografía de Maurice Sendak". Todos estos elementos de información se transformaron en ideas que al final se lograron plasmar en este video que no muestra a un solo personaje (Max) como un rey, si no que también muestra a un grupo de amigos como los dueños de la imaginación, de lo imposible y de lo salvaje.
Inmortalizar estos momentos son de las cosas más indescriptibles que la fotografía y cinematografía nos pueden brindar. 

Mientras Harumi grababa algunas escenas tomamos fotos de la increíble experiencia que fue.  Esperamos que les guste el video. 
No olviden seguirnos en Facebook y Twitter

This video was inspired by the story "Where The Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak who passed away last May 8, 2012. This video is a small tribute that shows how everyone has a child inside and that are friends, fleeting moments and simple things that make life beautiful and fun.

"Spike Jonze is a great film director, because of him i got to know the film, then i inquired about the book and finally i red Maurice Sendak´s biography." All these data elements were transform into ideas that eventually were capture in this video that shows not only a single character (Max) as a king, but also shows a group of friends as the owners of the imagination, the impossible and the wild.

Immortalizing these moments is the magic that film and photography can provide.

While Harumi recorded de film, we took some pictures of the amazing experience we had with our friends. We hope you like the video.
Don´t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter


  1. So nice that you three friends started a blog together! Cute pics and outfits!
    - Che

  2. I love this post and how film and photography could mean so much. I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

    A Southern Drawl

  3. Great post, I love the pictures! ;*
    I'm following you now .:D If you want, you can find me on:
    Have a nice day! Kisses from Serbia! :*

    1. Thanks for your comment, we are now following your awesome blog!!

  4. great this post honey, i really love the looks!

  5. Nice post. Pretty cool concept.

  6. thanks for your comment on my blog:) sure we can follow each other, follow you!

  7. bonitas fotos! todas muy guapas!
    un besito


  8. hi dear :) there is a giveaway on my blog :) I wish that you'll partecipate :D


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