Sunday, February 3, 2013

Old House

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Esta sesión de fotos la hicimos en una casa antigua de la Colonia de Valle. En México en la época de la colonia se construyeron muchas casas de gran tamaño con estilo francés ya que era lo que estaba de moda en ese entonces. Estas casas pertenecían a familias de la alta sociedad, la mayoría españoles que vivían en México, lamentablemente se fueron destruyendo para poder construir edificios en donde más personas pudieran vivir. Les damos las gracias a los dueños de la casa por permitirnos tomar las fotos y así poder mostrarles un poco de la historia de las colonias en México.

Las fotos fueron tomadas por Elizabeth López del Ángel, fotógrafa y estudiante en la Escuela Activa de Fotografía de Coyoacán. Vean más de su trabajo en Eli Cliché.


We made this photo shoot in an old house at "Colonia de Valle". In the colonial epoch many big houses were built with French style because that was fashionable at the time. These houses belonged to families of high society, mostly Spanish people who lived in Mexico, unfortunately the houses were destroyed in order to build buildings where more people could live. We thank the homeowners for allowing us to take the photos so we can show you a little of the history of the colonies in Mexico.

The photos were taken by Elizabeth Lopez del Angel, photographer and student at the "Escuela Activa de Fotografía" in Coyoacán. See more of his work at Eli Cliché.



  1. Unas fotos estupendas, me encantan los looks.

  2. you girls are amazing you really have the thing called style great outfits all tree :)))
    im following you on gfc hope you will follow me back, and tnz for comment very much <3333

  3. lindas fotos c:
    me gusto la nueva imagen, le va muy bien al blog, saludos!! :D
    que esten muy bien♥

  4. Great Blog, Love all the pictures!

    It would be great if we could follow each other :)

    hope you enter my giveaway on my blog <3
    Blog Here

    Dont forget to follow my blog


  5. you girls are fabulous!!!!love your unique styles!!!

    ps. thank you so much for visiting our blog and yes we agree, it is a great idea to follow each other!!!we just added you, we are followers number 180!
    have a great day!

  6. this is so great! the pics, the clothes the house... it's great!

  7. Band of fashionistas! Love the metal leggings.
    Wondering if you would like to follow each other? :)
    Please let me know. I will be more than happy to follow back right away! :)

  8. Girls thsnk you for sweet comment on my blog!
    I'm new follower 182 ;)

  9. You all look amazing. I love the mettalic leggings most.
    Please check out my blog. Would love to follow each other let me know

  10. Hello dear,
    You look beautiful!
    Would you like to follow each others blogs with blogger, facebook and bloglovin?
    Have a nice day!

  11. awesome style and great photoshoot! <3

    btw maybe you wanna follow each other on GFC, Bloglovin and/or facebook, if so just let me know! :)
    cheers, Natalia


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