Sunday, September 23, 2012

City Racks// Part 2

SECOND OUTFIT with City Racks clothes <3


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City Racks Part II from Piel DelCosmos on Vimeo.

En esta segunda parte de nuestro trabajo para City Racks queremos compartir con ustedes una breve entrevista donde Tania Matus y Alan Plaza, fundadores del showroom, nos cuentan un poco más de la tienda, desde sus inicios hasta sus retos. Así mismo nos platican un poco de su trabajo al elegir las prendas para el showroom y comparten con nosotros los blogs que han inspirado su trabajo como Oracle Fox, Kingdom Of Style y Luxirare (Killer Clothes and Fine Cuisine).
Las prendas son lindísimas así que ya tenemos un botón City Racks. Da click y encuentra lo nuevo en el Showroom. --->
Si estás en el D.F. y quieres ir a la boutique te recomendamos contactarlos vía Facebook y programar una cita; recuerda que en este showroom si se aceptan mascotas!! 
Que tengas un hermoso día! <3

In the second part of our work for City Racks we want to share with you a brief interview where Tania Matus and Alan Plaza, founders of the showroom, tell us more about the shop, from its beginnings to its challenges. They also talk a little bit about their job while choosing clothes for the showroom and they share with us some of the blogs that have inspired their work, such as Oracle Fox, Kingdom Of Style and Luxirare (Killer clothes and Fine Cuisine).
The clothes are beautiful so now we have a City Racks button. Click and find new arrivals in the Showroom.---->
If you are in México City and you want to visit the boutique, we recommend you contact them via Facebook and schedule an appointment, remember that on this showroom pets are welcome!
Have a lovely day <3


  1. very stylish girls! love all the three outfits :)

  2. All of you look unique and stylish. :) Definitely love them all <3

    Perhaps we could follow each other?
    Gian by Design

  3. Dani! Me encanta tu nuevo corte! :)
    <3 <3 <3


  4. Hi! I followed you back. :) Keep in touch and take care! <3

  5. that bow is so bold, i love the outfit!

  6. Me encanta! Me gusta mucho su blog chicas, saludos :)


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